The Riviera parking area includes:
1) An enclosed public parking area (between the shopping mall and Vladimir Nazor Elementary school, fenced)
- 1 October to 31 May – 0,50 € per hour (7 - 21), on Sundays and holidays free of charge
- 1 June to 30 September – 1,60 € per hour (0 - 24), every day including Sundays and holidays
2) Open public parking area in Vinodolska street (house no. 19 through 29)
- 1 October to 31 May – 0,50 € per hour (7 - 21), on Sundays and holidays free of charge
- 1 June to 30 September – 1,60 € per hour (7 - 23), every day including Sundays and holidays
The Riviera parking area has 200 parking spaces subject to payment and 10 parking spaces for vehicles of people with disabilities free of charge.
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