Bonfires on Riviera Crikvenica
Until nowadays, interesting custom of ligting bonfires is kept on Riviera Crikvenica, which is associated with the harvest customs and the beginning of summer.
This year, St. John's bonfires in Crikvenica and Selce will be held in monday, 24th od June at 8 p.m. In Crikvenica at the Balustrada beach, and in Selce at the Tunar beach. St. Peter's bonfire will be set on fire in Dramalj, at the Pazdehova port, on friday, 28th of June.
This colorful relationship with the tradition will be carried out with appropriate littoral songs and dances of local cultural societies and associations.
Organized by: Crikvenica Tourist Board, association "Društvo Crikveničana", KUD "Sveta Jelena" Dramalj and association of youth "Selce". Supported by: City of Crikvenica