2. Adria Advent Marathon Crikvenica

Event location: 

2nd Adria Advent Marathon will take place in Crikvenica, on the December 2, 2012.

Organizer: DMC Via Mea Travel Crikvenica
Implementation: Crikvenica Tourist Board, City of Crikvenica, GKTD "Murvica" d.o.o. Crikvenica
The race is part of the competition system of the Croatian Association for road and mountain running HUCIPT http://hucipt.net.

Race lenght:
marathon: 42.195
halfmarathon: 21.097
citizens run: 5.000 m

Race route:
Double circular route along the Adriatic coast and the towns of Crikvenica, Dramalj and Selce, starting and finishing in he front of Crikvenica Hotel International. The largest part of the route runs along the Adriatic Sea and a part trough the Vinodol valley, the path is partially wavy although most of the path is straight. Half marathon ruuners will run just one lap, but marathon runners will run two laps. Marathon and half marathon routes were measured by in the world, the unique regulation by Jones-counter method, and is therefore Crikvenica route in accordance with DLV and IAAF rules.

Start: Stjepan Radić Square,Crikvenica (marathon at 10.00 A.M., halfmarathon at 10.30 A.M., citizens run at 11.00 A.M.)
Race limit: 5 hours

Entry fee:
maraton and halfmarathon: 15 € (112 kn) till 01.10.; 20 € (150 kn) till 01.11.; 22 € (165 kn) till 27.11.2012.
citizens run: 7 € (52 kn).
Entry fee is to be payed for  Meisterchip Deutschland solely on-line on web site http://adria-marathon.eu till tuesday, 27.11.2012. at 12.00. If you choose the option "Pay at the event", it is possible only on saturday,01.12., but not on sunday,02.12.2012.

Entry fee comprises:
marathon and half marathon: medal, T-shirt,refreshment on the route and warm meal after the race
citizens run: medal and T-shirt
Refundable deposit for a chip 5€.

Women: W18, W23, W35, W40, W45, W50, W55, W60.                                      
Men: M18, M23, M30, M35, M40, M45, M50, M55, M60, M5, M70.

Prize money:
Organizer for the half marathon and marathon races provide awards for categories. All prizes to be awarded for the categories of goods (bags with sponsor gifts). 

Prize money in cash are to be provided for the first 3 places in absolute categories marathon and halfmarathon for women and men
Awards for the marathon (male and female)
Place 1-3  money prize (500 €,300 €, 200 €)
Awards for the halfmarathon (male and female)
Place 1-3 money prize (300€, 200€, 100€).

Deadline for application:
Till tuesday, 27.11.2012. at 12 solely on-line by filling  web application form on the web site http://www.adria-marathon.eu/.

Start numbers and chips:
Stjepan Radić Square,Crikvenica, Crikvenica Tourist Board from saturday 1.12.2012. (from 08.00 AM till 10.00 PM). Paying entry fee on spot possible.
Sunday till 9.30 A.M., but only for participiants who payed entry fee until tuesday, 27.11.2012.
Note: All participants run at their own risk.

More information: http://www.via-mea.com and http://www.adria-marathon.eu/.