Festival jagod
Festival jagod je gastronomska prireditev, namenjena vsem sladokuscem ter oboževalcem tega izjemno okusnega in očesu prijetnega sadja. Program prireditve poteka na trgu v Selcah, ki bo odet v dišečo sadno poletno preobleko. A zgodba o jagodah se tukaj ne konča, saj bo njihov sladki vonj zaznamoval tudi številne hotele in gostinske objekte na območju Crikvenice, Dramlja, Jadranova in Selc, kjer bodo kuharji in slaščičarji pokazali mojstrstvo in ustvarjalnost pri pripravi domiselnih jedi in pijač z jagodami.
9:45 Performance by the children from the 'Radost' Kindergarten – Selce
Performance by the KUD 'Vatroslav Lisinski' children dance group
10:00 Sales exibition of fresh strawberries, cakes, pastries and souveniers
10:15 Performance by the KUD 'Neven' choir
10:15 Kids corner – animation for children
10:30 Music program with the music group Duo Mirakul
18:00 Special offer of strawberry cocktails and drinks
19:00 Music program with Alen Đuras
21:00 DJ Steve
SUNDAY May 18th
10:00 Sales exhibition of fresh strawberries, cakes, pastries and souveniers
10:30 Music program with the music group 'Trio Crikvenica'