28. Nov. 2025. to 06. Jan. 2026.
Miesto konania: 


Crikvenica aj tento rok zažiari v najkrajšom adventnom rúchu. Dobrá nálada, radosť z Vianoc a zo všetkého toho, čo toto najkrajšie obdobie v roku so sebou prináša. 

Advent v Crikvenici začína na troch lokalitách, zapínaním vianočných svetielok. Aj tento rok si všetci návštevníci Adventu vychutnajú program v Preradovićovej ulici, na klzisku Ľadová morská rozprávka na Trgu Stjepana Radića a v Lese Deda Mráza v Adventnom parku.                                      
Návštevníci, všetci od tých najmladších až po najstarších, zažijú skutočný duch Vianoc prostredníctvom bohatého hudobného a zábavného programu, festival palaciniek Palačinka'da, detský program, klzisko Ľadová morská rozprávka a školu kĺzania,  rôzne kreatívne tvorivé dielne, prekrásne miesta na fotografovanie a ešte mnoho iného.


During ‘Advent in Crikvenica’, the town turns into a glittering oasis from where the festive atmosphere and Christmas joy spread along the entire Crikvenica Riviera. The Advent programmes take place right by the sea:

  • on Stjepan Radić Square, which is the centre of Advent events, offering a festive family atmosphere with the Ice Sea Fairytale skating rink, a variety of children's shows and entertainment programmes, as well as Santa’s House, alongside music, fun food and drink;
  • in Preradovićeva Street, where you can enjoy selected food and drinks in a laid-back atmosphere accompanied by a music and entertainment programme;
  • in Santa’s Forest, located in the Advent Park, where you can step into a festive fairy tale with creative Christmas scenes;
  • on the waterfront, where our youngest guests will have fun on a large ice slide;
  • - at other locations such as the museum, gallery, library, school and kindergarten, where ‘Advent in Crikvenica’ will show its artistic side.

All visitors, from the youngest to the oldest, can experience the true spirit of Advent through the varied music and entertainment schedule, a children’s programme, a skating school, various creative workshops, beautiful photo points, a ride on Santa’s Train, and much more!

We invite you to visit ‘Advent in Crikvenica’ and to create new, special and unforgettable moments at this magical time of the year!

P.S. Don’t forget to write a letter to Santa with all your wishes, put it in a mailbox and wait for them to come true! The magic of the Christmas season is intended for both young and old, and the more letters Santa Claus receives, the greater the possibility that he will stay with us in his house in Crikvenica.